If you have any questions about your child’s overall development, browse our parent checklist below and send us an email or give us a call today.
0 - 12 Months
0-4 months
Holds head in alignment
Visually tracks an object
Swats at dangling objects
Moves arms and legs when laying on back
Brings hands together when laying on back
Props on elbows on belly
Rolls back to side
Grasps objects placed in hand
Prefers looking at peoples’ faces
Responds to a smile with a smile
Reaches out for toys
5-6 months
Sits with support and beginning to sit without support
Plays with feet while laying on back
Brings feet to mouth
Reaches to a toy when playing on belly
Props on extended arms when on belly
Holds and shakes a toy
Puts fingers in mouth
Holds hands open, rather than in fists
Smiles at self in reflection
7-8 months
Sitting by themselves
Reaches outside base of support to grab a toy
Enjoys peek-a-boo
Crawls with belly on touching floor
Transfers an object from one hand to the other
Finger feeding
Hits a toy on the floor and hits toys together
9 months
Starts to crawl on hands and knees
Pulls to stand at a table
Waves goodbye
Releases objects
10 months
Maintains sitting for 1 minute while playing
Transitions from belly to sitting
Bounces while holding onto your fingers
Takes steps with minimal support
Plays in standing at tabletop surface
Reaches down to retrieve object from floor with support of surface
11 months
Standing for 5 seconds without support
Walks 4 steps with 1 hand held
Walks with support from a push toy
Pushes or rolls a ball
Drops small items into a cup
Throws things just to see cause and effect
Takes off socks
12 - 18 Months
12 months
Transitions to stand using hands and feet
Walks 8 feet with one hand held
Walks 5 steps independently
Catches a ball while sitting
Holds a writing utensil in a fist
Turns page of a thick book
Helps to pull off simple clothing and helps with dressing
Pulls of shoes
Will help with “clean up” or putting items away
Drinking from a straw
13 months
Rolls a ball 3 feet forward in sitting
Tosses a small ball while standing
Likes looking at picture books
Scribbles with a crayon or pencil
Pushes toys with wheels
Beginning to use utensils
14 months
Crawls up stairs on hands and knees
Gives things to others
Isolates index finger to point to objects
Stacks 2 blocks
Rolls a ball
15 months
Creeps downstairs without help
Throws ball overhand
Makes marks on paper without assistance or demonstration
Beginning to drink from open cup
“Puts in” and “takes out” items from a container
16-18 months
Dumps out containers
Turns small knob
Use a functional grasp on a spoon and has little spillage
Can use a shape sorter
Puts large round pegs into pegboard
Helps dress and undress self
1 ½ - 2 years
Throws ball overhand a few feet
Drinks from cup independently
Turns light switches on and off
Looks independently at picture books and turns pages
Zips and unzips easy zippers
Plays individually, explores environment to learn, will play beside a peer with little interaction
Uses play dough, paint, and paper
Scribbles without going off paper
Builds a 4-6 block tower
2 - 2 ½ years
Throws ball underhand a few feet
Climbs up a ladder and goes down a slide
Uses a functional grasp on thick writing utensils (thumb and fingers)
Imitates drawing a vertical line
Spontaneously draws strokes, dots, circular shapes
Stacks 7-8 blocks
Hand preference established
Attempts to catch ball
Identifies 4 body parts on self
Makes small cuts on line with child-safe scissors and some help
Functional grasp on spoon and brings spoon to mouth
Washes hands by self
2 ½ - 3 years
Throws ball 7 feet underhand
Catches ball tossed gently from 5 feet
Squeezes or pulls play dough apart
Takes lids off and puts lids on
Sorts objects by size and color
Needs assistance for fasteners
Uses a fork with spillage
Completes a simple 3-piece puzzle of something familiar
Pours from one container to another
3 - 3 ½ years
Makes continuous cuts with child-safe scissors
Cuts a piece of paper in half with child-safe scissors with fair adherence to a line
Copies a horizontal line and a circle
Stacks 9 block
Uses a spoon and fork with no spillage
Completes an easy puzzle
Copies a cross
3 ½ - 4 years
Puts shoes on the correct feet without help
Buttons and unbuttons oversized buttons
Cuts with child-safe scissors with good adherence to a line
Begins to copy some letters
4 - 4 ½ years
Performs a somersault
Draws a person with 3 different body parts
Colors within the lines
Dresses and undresses with minimal assistance
Copies a cross
Puts socks on correctly
4 ½ - 5 years
Pumps self on swing
Copies and cuts a square
Uses a knife to cut softer foods
Zips most zippers
Traces around own hand with a crayon
Completes simple dot to dot pictures
5 - 5 ½ years
Performs jumping jacks
Uses wrist rather than whole arm to write
Matches letters in a group of different letters
Draws a face with mouth, nose, and eyes, and a person with 6 or more parts
Copies first name with some errors
Ties shoes (starts at 5, but may not be mastered until 6)
Prints a few capital letters without copying
Copies a triangle
5 ½ - 6 years
Able to perform the monkey bars
Names most uppercase letters
Brushes or combs hair well
Uses simple tools
6 - 7 years
Completes a 6- to 12-piece interlocking puzzle
Plays simple card games, such as Go Fish
Competitive Play: Participates in team sports and activities that promote competition with structured rules