Social Interaction Milestones

0-3 months

  • Coos

  • Smiles when sees others

4-6 months

  • Babbles

  • Laughs

  • Shows excitement

7-12 months

  • Looks towards sounds

  • Waves to interact with others

  • Will use 1-2 words

  • Regulates attention

  • Relies on caregiver for support during stressful situations

1-2 years

  • Points to pictures in a book

  • Points to body parts on self

  • Engages in parallel play (will play near another child)

  • Follows 1-step directions (ex. Get your coat.)

  • Asks simple questions

  • Uses 2+ word phrases

  • Can be irritable due to constraints imposed

2-3 years

  • Will join in play with others for a brief period of time

  • Follows 2-step directions

  • Has a word for almost everything

3-4 years

  • Begins sharing with others

  • Is able to answer “Wh-” questions (Who?, What?, Where?, Why?)

  • Uses sentences with 4 or more words

4-5 years

  • Tells stories

  • Communicates easily

Case-Smith, J., & O'Brien, J. C. (2014). Development of Childhood Occupations. In Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents (pp. 87–95). essay, Mosby.