Fine Motor Milestones

0-6 months

  • Looks at things for a moment

  • Grasps objects for a brief time

  • Reaches objects with both hands

  • Shakes objects while holding

  • Hands reach mouth

6-12 months

  • Holds objects

  • Starts to bang objects on surfaces

  • Can strike two objects together

  • Uses both hands while playing

1-2 years

  • Begins to prod objects

  • Holds objects with ease

  • Doodles and draws

  • Starts to take off socks

  • Starts to use a spoon

  • Begins to write and create shapes on paper

2-4 years

  • Can cut using scissors

  • Can color with colored pencils

  • Can solve puzzles, 2 years appropriate

  • Can unwrap things

  • Can hold pen in hand

  • Can trace some shapes

4-6 years

  • Can put finger on nose tip

  • Grasp is stable and purposeful

  • Brushes teeth by self

  • Can wash and dry face

  • Can copy shapes

  • Colors inside lines of shape

Case-Smith, J., & O'Brien, J. C. (2014). Development of Childhood Occupations. In Occupational Therapy for Children and Adolescents (pp. 87–95). essay, Mosby.